Bunco Printables

Click on the link below each of the following images for the FREE, downloadable file (pdf), and then save them to your computer or print them.

This first one is the SCORING SHEET (or Table Tally Sheet) that you will use at each table to keep track of scores as you play.  You will need several (50+) copies of it.  Cut each sheet into four parts and stack or staple them together.  Put one stack at each table.


Click here for the FREE, DOWNLOADABLE FILE:  Bunco Scoring Sheets

You will only need one copy of each of the following sheets.

Bunco Card 1.1

Bunco Card 1.2

Bunco Card 2.1

Click here for the FREE, DOWNLOADABLE FILE: Bunco Printables p1

Bunco Card 2.2

Bunco Card 3.1

Bunco Card 3.2

Click here for the FREE, DOWNLOADABLE FILE: Bunco Printables p2

Cut the cards apart (there are six cards per sheet) and then laminate each card, leaving a good border of sealed laminate all the way around each card to give them a waterproof seal.  For the best quality laminate, I suggest taking them to a copy store and having them laminate them, rather than using some do-it-yourself sticky sheets from the office supplies isle that won’t last.  You want them to have a good seal and be durable for many, many, many washings.

Vis-a-vis markers work like permanent ink on the laminate, but won’t smear or rub off unless the cards get wet.  At the end of the evening, they wash right off under running water and are ready for the next use.  Teachers use these markers on the overhead projectors.  Make sure you get Vis-a-vis and NOT “dry erase” markers.

You should end up with a card for each of your twelve players that looks similar to these:



To return to APRIL FOOLS BUNCO from here click:  https://mrshlovesjesus.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/april-fools-bunco/

3 thoughts on “Bunco Printables”

  1. What a delight to stumble upon your site this morning. I have been invited to my first bunco event and wondered what it was all about. Along the way of research, I found you and your beautiful love of Jesus. I, too, am sixty something, retired and spending my time and resources serving others. Blessings to you!


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